UBI is a unique product

A practical support for the guitar when worn with a shoulder strap or possibly around the waist, it promotes postural well-being and ensures the musician achieves his or her maximum potential in terms of artistic and technical expression

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The UBI concept

For a long time, guitarists have used a footrest or «step» to ensure stability while playing, an solution that has never been improved, despite the modern developments in technology. Yet, this solution creates health problems for the posture and the back.
There are alternatives, of course, but UBI is a new solution offering two specific features: support and balance. This avoids problems related to stability and meets the guitarist’s postural and artistic needs. Today, the heightened focus on the health and well-being of musicians leads us to rethink the way we hold the instrument to achieve optimal mobility of the hands and a balanced distribution of our strengths. This is possible by creating a support for the guitar and finding the right balance. Two characteristics summed up in the product name.

The Latin expression «dā ubi cōnsistam», literally translated, means «give me a place to stand».
It is an abbreviation of the motto attributed to Archimedes: «Dā mihi, inquit, ubi cōnsistam, et terram commovēbō» (Give me a place to stand and I will raise the world), alluding to the property of leverage.